TRIBUNE : Ancient Egypt, Netflix’ Black Cleopatra case and the new Egyptians…

First there was the scandal of the boycott of the Stand-up of the Black-American comedian KEVIN HART. On the grounds that he said somewhere: “ We must teach our children the true history of Black Africans when they were kings in Egypt and not just the era of slavery that is cemented by education in America. Do you remember the time when we were kings?” So what?... It's not wrong!

Then there were the controversial statements of the famous artist-musician GIMS in FRANCE. Even if we can find fault with this subject, intellectual probity obliges, the whole world gargled about it more than when ELON MUSK, the boss among others of TWITTER, said that it was extraterrestrials who built the pyramids of Egypt. But all this unleashing of ridicule in huge avalanches at GIMS has only revealed the immensity of the historical lack of culture of certain colleagues about Africa. Who thought they should associate the name of PROFESSOR CHEIKH ANTA DIOP and his various theses. Without any discernment and detailed report.

Today is a NETFLIX production about QUEEN CLEOPATRA that the NEW EGYPTIANS are fuming and threatening. Simply because the Heroine is a BLACK WOMAN.

Concerning this attitude, the fault must lie at first sight with all the directors who produced films or documentaries on ANCIENT EGYPT which contrasted with the historical realities of this time and where we only saw BLACKS in roles of WORKERS, GUARDS or FORTUNE SOLDIERS, etc. I have always opposed these FILMS or DOCUMENTARIES which were only COMPLAISANCE vis-à-vis the NEW EGYPTIANS for the needs of the cause. If some NEW EGYPTIANS are indeed descendants of the ANCIENT EGYPTIANS, it is not the same for the vast majority. And these descendants of the ANCIENT EGYPTIANS, as long as they know their own HISTORY, it would never occur to them to hide from the part of NEGRITUDE in them. Whether it is GENETIC or simply HISTORICAL.

As the Senegalese Scholar CHEIKH ANTA DIOP had said and written in his time, I confirm, persist and sign that the brilliant and extraordinary Civilization of ANCIENT EGYPT was founded by BLACKS FROM AFRICA. No offense...And although there were MIXTURES, they were late and only began to be significant with the reign of PHARAOH AKHENATON.

Almost a month ago, I exchanged by email with Professor Alejandro Jiménez-Serrano, PhD MPhil and who is Archaeologist and Egyptologist, Director of Qubbet el-Hawa Project (Aswan, Egypt) while waiting for a face-to-face meeting that we expect soon. He is from the Department of Ancient History and the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Jaén which is in the same Autonomous Community of Andalusia where I live. And he is the discoverer, with his team, in ASWAN of the intact burial of SHEMAI, a younger brother of the famous nomarch (governor) SARENPUT II, whose tomb is well known. SARENPUT II, one of the most powerful nomarchs (governors) of ELEPHANTINE, who exercised his functions under SESOSTRIS II (Middle Kingdom, XIIth Dynasty). The inscriptions found on the coffins indicated the name of the deceased, SHEMAI as well as that of his mother, SATETHOTEP and his father, KHEMA, also GOVERNOR under AMENEMHAT II. Professor Alejandro Jiménez-Serrano himself confessed during the study of this mummy that they expected to discover a MEDITERRANEAN type man and they discovered a NUBIAN instead. In other words a de facto BLACK. I have no doubt that the more we go back to the oldest Dynasties, the more we will realize that the MIXTURE is less and less perceptible, and will even end up disappearing.

Beyond RACISM, which has long undermined the history of ANCIENT EGYPT, it has always been the subject of geopolitical, economic and ideological issues. Above all, now it is essentially an economic issue for many of the protagonists of the controversies over its ANCIENT SETTLEMENT. The most tragic thing in this whole story, so to speak, is the culpable or complicit silence of those who are supposed to KNOW in order to enlighten others. When SCIENCE and INTELLECTUAL PROBITY desert the FORUM!...

NO SERIOUS HISTORIAN can today affirm and prove that the foundations of ANCIENT EGYPT are not NEGRO-AFRICAN. Almost FIFTY YEARS after the 1974 CAIRO SYMPOSIUM ON THE PEOPLING OF ANCIENT EGYPT AND THE DECIPHERING OF THE MERIOITIC SCRIPT. The time for LIES AND OTHER FALSIFICATIONS is definitely over. PROOF, I still have some to show off... In a timely manner and in a more adequate framework.

I invite all those who wish to bring the contradiction to my "Dictionary of ancient Egyptian concepts: the indelible evidence from A to Z that the ancient Egyptians were Black people from Africa", Editions Complicités, (Essay), Paris, 2021 (« Dictionnaire des concepts de l’Egypte antique : les preuves indélébiles de A à Z que les Egyptiens anciens étaient des Noirs d’Afrique »,  Editions Complicités, (Essai), Paris, 2021).

I expressly preceded this work by another published by the same publisher: "Dictionary of ancestral names of ancient Egypt: Pharaohs, Queens, Princesses and Nobles" (Dictionnaire des noms ancestraux de l'Egypte antique: Pharaons, Reines, Princesses et Nobles »), a directory of names that say a lot about the ORIGIN AND THE PEOPLE OF ANCIENT EGYPT. If you take all the names of the PHARAOHS apart from the INVADERS, all of them, I mean, are NEGRO-AFRICANS. Pronounced correctly with the appropriate PHONETICS, any ELDER from my village of TAYAKOU, in the NORTH-WEST OF BENIN REPUBLIC, will give you the MEANING.

To interested RESEARCHERS, I am ready to open the doors of the NATEMBA COUNTRY to them while warning them in advance that the NATEMBA have par excellence the CULT OF SECRETS, undoubtedly inherited from their ANCESTORS, the ULTRA-ORHODOX AND REFRACTORY PRIESTS having caused a SCHISM with their BROTHERS of NORTH GHANA. For religious reasons of course and essentially inherent in their systematic opposition to any foreign religion.

I affirm, I persist and sign again to say that my mother tongue, NATENI, that is to say the language of NETER or NETJER which is the language of the NATEMBA or NETJEMA or NETEMA or NATEMA is if not the last, of the least one of the last surviving languages of that time in the NILE VALLEY. Apart from some COUSIN peoples, the only place where we find its LINGUISTIC SUBSTRATE is only in INDIA both in its different LANGUAGES and its different forms of SPIRITUALITY. PROOF, I still have some to show off... The INDIANS and other INDIANISTS would only reinforce me on this very ancient presence of the peoples of the NILE VALLEY in the INDUS VALLEY and more generally in INDIA. I'm talking about at least 15,000 years before Christ.

In my article about the boycott of the KEVIN HART show, I wrote this: « One of the most used words today in our modern world interconnected by computers, telephones and other smartphones is HACKER and its other derivatives. However this word whose root is HAWK philologically does not belong to any other language than ANCIENT NUBIAN. It is the strict prerogative of the linguistic universe of the ORIGINS of ANCIENT EGYPT. It is neither of English origin and even less American. NEKHEN was also called the CITY OF HAWK. NEKHEN is the City of the origins of the Pharaonic Civilization. And since it was not BLACK PEOPLE who founded the brilliant and extraordinary Civilization of ANCIENT EGYPT, I challenge EGYPTOLOGISTS and LINGUISTS to prove to me that it is not NEGRO-AFRICAN, I mean ANCIENT NUBIAN originally. Long before even being ANCIENT EGYPTIAN. The language of the ANCIENT EGYPTIANS was a NEGRO-AFRICAN LANGUAGE, more precisely of the family of languages known as NIGERO-CONGOLESE. ANCIENT EGYPT having been a Settlement Colony created by LUO or LWO of ANCIENT NUBIA ». 

And I'm waiting for the CONTRADICTORS... They have A THOUSAND YEARS to build their ARGUMENTS.


By way of CONCLUSION, I would be remiss if I did not challenge the HEADS OF STATE and GOVERNMENT of the countries of BLACK AFRICA so that they reclaim and integrate the history of ANCIENT NUBIA and ANCIENT EGYPT both in their HISTORICAL AND ARTISTIC HERITAGE and in the writing of national histories in textbooks. In replacement of the manuals which date from the COLONIAL ERA and which we know are full of misinterpretations and untruths. The time has finally come when BLACK AFRICA MUST RE-ORGANIZE ITSELF.

By Marcus Boni TEIGA

PS: My contacts are available through my Publishers, in this case EDITIONS COMPLICITES in FRANCE and EDITIONS DAGAN in BENIN about my works or for any other debate on these aforementioned or related issues.