ANGOLA - FINANCIAL INCLUSION: The executive creates more favorable measures for access to credit

The Executive will create a more conducive environment for the provision of credit and encourage employment and entrepreneurship in the country, particularly among low-income people without access to the formal financial system.

This initiative was discussed this Thursday, June 20 at 3 a.m. the ordinary meeting of the Economic Committee of the Council of Ministers, which assessed, under the leadership of the President of the Republic, João Lourenço, a regulation relating to the conditions for granting guarantees.

The measure was born for the economic and social growth of the country with the intuition of boosting investment projects linked to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises to increase the rate of financial inclusion.

The regulation on the conditions for granting guarantees sets the conditions for issuing sovereign guarantees aimed at facilitating access to bank financing for national economic operators who implement projects of national interest, particularly in the field of food safety, production of raw materials for industry, tourism, hotels and restaurants. other segments of activities of national interest.

Another point analyzed during the session of the Economic Commission was the diploma which sets out the principles, rules and procedures for the preparation and preparation of the draft law of the general state budget for 2025 and the expenditure framework in the medium term 2025-2027.

This document promotes the participation of citizens in the preparation of the budget, in particular at the level of local authorities, with a view to consolidating the collection of community revenues and decentralizing the execution of expenditure, the realization of which should pass through the implementation process. work of local municipalities.

In the area of ​​public finance, the updating of the presidential decree governing fees, licenses and other revenues collected by the local government of the state was appreciated.

The new regulation approves the respective tables, in the sense of inserting the services provided by the local state government bodies whose revenues are not provided for in the table annexed to the diploma, as well as updating the amount of fees and other revenues provided for in the financing scheme of local state government bodies.

The objective is to ensure that revenues from services provided to the community are collected in accordance with the principles of economy, effectiveness, efficiency, transparency and legality.

In addition to these deliberations, the economic committee of the Council of Ministers analyzed the balance sheet of the cash flow plan for the month of April 2024.

The report recorded net cash balances of 1,332,045,177,115.22 kz and a payment flow of 1,781,835,905,374.41 kz, taking into account the current financial situation to guide the government's economic decisions and ensure the stability and efficiency of the management of public resources.

Governo de Angola