SOCIETY/ART OF LIVING - FUTURE FACE GLOBAL 2023: International fashion innovation

Future Face 2023
Future Face 2023.

Africa is increasingly present in Brazil, whether in new relations between countries, or as one of the most promising businesses on the African continent, which is the creative fashion industry. Fashion is the main key element within this global market. And young Africans are inside this growing global market. Fashion is a universe full of possibilities where glamor meets fame. A place dreamed of by thousands of young aspiring models who enter the career with the aim of walking the international catwalks and consolidating a successful international career. A market that is always growing, which provides security and advantages for those who know how to responsibly enjoy the jobs and opportunities that appear during their career. It is not easy to work in the global fashion industry, it is necessary to have discipline, focus, determination, and above all, love for the profession.

Elizabeth Elohor CEO and Founder of Beth Models - Future Face Global
Elizabeth Elohor CEO and Founder of Beth
Models - Future Face Global.

That was exactly what motivated businesswoman Elizabeth Elohor to found the 1st and largest modeling agency on the African continent. Her vision went far beyond, she visualized and created a great project of inclusion and appreciation of global black beauty. Future Face Global, the largest selection of black models in the world, will finally cross the Atlantic. This September, it will make a historic selection in Brazil, that is, the Future Face Global 2023 Brazil will be held. The chosen city was Salvador due to being considered the second Africa in Brazil. Future Face Global is committed to the innovation of new faces on the international fashion circuit. Which makes it possible to move the global fashion industry, generating millions or billions in investments in the international market. And all this will be possible thanks to this visionary look into the modeling market that transforms millions of lives, and young people who seek the opportunity to grow professionally in the international modeling career.

Eliana Oliveira CEO and Editor-in-Chief Magazine Le Afrique Style Brazil
Eliana Oliveira CEO and Editor-in-Chief Magazine Le Afrique Style Brazil.


Beauty is unique in every human being. Sometimes you think beauty has only one standard. There is no beauty standard within the global fashion market. Who chooses the model is the fashion industry that moves millions or billions, in advertising campaigns, parades, multi-million dollar contracts for various products, international work trips, among other opportunities. What some consider ugly, the market embraces and names the beauty of the century. If before there wasn't a big opportunity in international fashion for blacks, this opportunity is now real. Legitimate inclusion and appreciation of dark-skinned people. I hate having to write “BLACK”. I learned in my travels across the African continent that there is a correct way to speak and write about different ethnicities that bring different skin tones. Dark skin is currently the one shining on the international catwalks, in the big global luxury brands and in the biggest fashion weeks in the world. Fashion weeks on the African continent are a place of great possibilities and great transformations in the global modeling market. It's amazing to be able to look at, admire, so much beauty and professionalism through the models that exude elegance, sophistication and a lot of glamor in the fashion week shows. For me, each fashion show is a live catalog of the talents that shine with each new collection. Signing and bringing a new identity to the creative fashion of this new generation within the global fashion industry. Beauty is just a starting point that leverages each young person in this process of discovery and, at the same time, competitiveness in this promising market. Some works are responsible for making and transforming your international career known globally. Some, over time, migrate to TV, proving that being a model is also building bridges in different areas, including being an actor, actress, producer, singer, etc. There are no limits and they can also launch themselves in the fashion market, revealing a talent hitherto hidden in the past, which is also being a stylist. For me fashion is one of the most creative areas of the international and national market industry. 

Future Face Global 2023 candidates
Future Face Global 2023 candidates.


The world has its eyes turned towards here, that is, towards the Africa of global fashion. There are so many talents that it is even difficult to define in words the size of the immensity of creativity that is born in each country of the African Continent. The diamond mine are the Africans themselves who build every opportunity into a big business. I particularly believe and continue with my eyes, feet, that is, my entire body for each place that allows me to write about what is best in each country on the African continent. And the main thing that actually exists in this Africa that is becoming increasingly global, are the countless opportunities for growth in the economic sector that is not only through oil, gas, ores, etc. Fashion is one of the most valuable jewels that exist in every country in Africa. Every fashion week I see how fashion translates a global Africa, with its ancestral roots and with a look at this technological future that also exists here. There is no better place in the world to discover fashion than in Africa.

Future Face Global 2023 Brazil.
Future Face Global 2023 Brazil.


This is a legitimate connection that links us to our own ancestry. The Mother Africa of all! Where the various roots of African peoples connect here, in our Brazil. We bring traits, colors, essences, and many other legacies that are being rescued to preserve our memory, our roots. And the beauty that is unique, in every way. And having in fashion a way of translating our value, our roots, is in fact having a place of speech and power in the fashion world. This narrative is a unique reality that is about to come true here in Brazil. For the first time in the history of Brazilian fashion, Future Face Global will soon land in Salvador to carry out the largest research and selection of black models in the world. Future Face Global is already being held in several countries on the African continent among other countries as well. And in the month of September, she will be doing a casting in Salvador, a project for the inclusion and appreciation of black beauty in the world. Salvador was chosen because it is considered the second Africa in Brazil, but the selection is open to all states in Brazil. For me this is the fashion of the new generation, where there is an ethnic diversity where everyone can have the same opportunities, a sharing of cultures, with different identities. The project was conceived by a great African woman who translates fashion into its perfect essence Elizabeth Elohor , her agency is responsible for launching the most successful black models in the global fashion market. Elizabeth Elohor commands a large team of professionals who are currently in several countries, in this search for the face of the century. And having Brazil within this fashion route is to be in contact with our African ancestry, even if it is through the fashion universe, concludes Eliana Oliveira.


Learn more about Future Face Global: 

By Eliana Oliveira