NAMIBIA: The President Undergoes Successful Minor Aortic Procedure

President Dr Hage G. Geingob always emphasizes a healthy lifestyle and early detection as important for the health of Namibians and the nation. Moreover, President Geingob will continue to champion transparency and accountability in governance, including disclosure on matters pertaining to his health.
The Presidency wishes to inform the Namibian public that during a routine medical checkup, the medical team of President Geingob detected a mild aortic stenosis, which has remained asymptomatic thus far. On the advice of medical staff, President Geingob successfully underwent today, 9 June 2023, a preventive minor aortic procedure in the Republic of South Africa. 
President Geingob would have elected to undergo the procedure in Namibia. However, at this stage, Namibia does not have the expertise to carry out the procedure.
The Presidency wishes to assure the Namibian people that President Geingob remains fit and healthy, and will resume presidential duties next week Tuesday, 13 June 2023.

Namibian Presidency