Porga Health Center Saint Jean de Dieu

Porga Health Center Saint Jean de Dieu, opened in 2001 by the Brothers Hospitallers of Saint Jean de Dieu of the Saint Richard Pampuri Province of Africa, is a socio-health establishment. Since its genesis, it has served as the first care post provided to the populations of Porga, its surroundings and to the local populations of Burkina Faso and Togo.

But since the advent of the Coronavirus pandemic (2020) followed by jihadist attacks since December 2021, the Porga Health Center has faced enormous attendance difficulties. This decline in activity has led to serious dysfunctional problems in the care of patients and contractual staff at the centre.

We therefore come to seek your financial and material assistance in order to continue to assist the wounded population of Porga. Your financial aid can be sent to the following numbers: MOOV +229 55 54 86 94, MTN +229 61 40 36 94 (GNAMI KIAKIAKI) ou ORABANK N° 04710260139 – 63 (FRERES HOSPITALIERS C.S. PORGA)