Sierra Leone Tour Operators stand out at ITB 2024, securing the Future with Innovative Itineraries and Strategic Partnerships.

In a remarkable display of tourism prowess at the Internationale Tourismus-Börse (ITB) 2024 in Berlin, Sierra Leonean tour operators have significantly raised the destination's profile. With tailored itineraries that showcase the country's unique offerings, they went head-to-head with global competitors, successfully securing nearly 30 trade deals for the upcoming year, with many bookings already slated for 2025.

Mr. Alieya Kargbo, CEO of Tourism is Life Tours (TILT), reflected on the event's success, noting the exceptional organization and coordination that outshone previous years. The ITB Berlin, known as the World's Leading Travel Trade Show, provided the perfect platform for Sierra Leone's tourism ambassadors to present the nation's appeal to an international audience.

Mr. Abimbola Carol, CEO of Visit Sierra Leone (VSL), analyzed the trade fair through a lens focused on Return on Investment (ROI). With confidence and without hesitation, he indicated that Sierra Leone harbors enormous potential for the future. Mr. Carol's message to fellow Tour Operators (TOs) was clear: Believe in the destination and remain dedicated to its development.

During the event, IPC's Sherin El. Koussa engaged in numerous discussions and reported a significant surge in interest towards Sierra Leone as a tourist destination. This uptick in enthusiasm is a testament to the country's growing allure on the global stage.

Making impactful first impressions, the CEOs of Hello Sierra Leone (HSL) and Best Travel Solutions(BTS), Madam Jacklin and Mr. Foday Fornah respectively, graced the ITB for the first time in 2024. Their presence underscored the emerging trend of Sierra Leone's increasing influence in the international tourism sector.

The decision for Sierra Leone to join the African Travel and Tourism Association (ATTA) stands as a pivotal move, symbolizing a commitment to collective growth and collaboration among tour operators. This strategic alliance is poised to amplify the country's tourism capabilities and facilitate the sharing of best practices within the industry.

In a rallying call to action, the Sierra Leone Minister of Tourism, along with the ministry's team, urged TOs to continue delivering top-notch services and to focus on reaching out to niche markets of interest. This approach is expected to further tailor the travel experience to specific audiences, thereby promoting sustainable and responsible tourism growth.

As Sierra Leone's tour operators return from ITB 2024 with a host of closed deals and partnerships, there is a palpable sense of optimism. The country is fast emerging as a destination of choice for travelers seeking authenticity, rich cultural heritage, and natural beauty. With a successful ITB under its belt, Sierra Leone is poised for a bright future in the tourism industry, bolstered by the passion and commitment of its tour operators.

The collective efforts at ITB 2024 have not only strengthened Sierra Leone's tourism industry but have also set a precedent for excellence and innovation. As the world continues to explore the wonders of travel, Sierra Leone stands ready to welcome visitors with open arms and unforgettable experiences, contributing to the nation's economic growth and cultural exchange.

National Tourist Board - Sierra Leone