CHAD: The Ange calls to order

In a press release signed on Saturday April 27 by the president of the National Election Management Agency, Ahmed Bartchiret, the candidates, political parties, groupings of political parties competing for the presidential election on May 6, are recalled to order in accordance with the provisions of articles 140 and 143 of the Electoral Code which provides that “the choice of emblem comprising a combination of the three national colors blue, gold and red is prohibited. Likewise, the use of goods, means, attributes and symbols of the State, an institution or an organization for propaganda purposes or with the aim of influencing or attempting to influence the vote is prohibited”.

Noting for several days the non-compliance with these provisions of the Electoral Code by activists and supporters of certain candidates, the Angel considers it important to inform offenders that these facts are liable to criminal prosecution under the provisions of articles 114 and 115 of the Electoral Code.

For candidates who ask their activists to photograph the results reports and other electoral documents at the time of counting, the Angel recalls that such initiatives can encourage possible slippage which can lead to disturbances to public order and could expose offenders to the full force of the law. He recalls that in the event of disputes, legal procedures are provided, which is why the parties must refer to them.

In application of articles 89 and 90, the Angel reminds candidates that they are not authorized to broadcast or proclaim the results by any means whatsoever at the risk of incurring criminal and civil liability, but only the Angel is authorized to proclaim the provisional results. It reminds the candidates of their commitment materialized by signing the code of good conduct and calls on them to refrain from any declarations, any action or behavior which would jeopardize the smooth running of the election.